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We are the governing body for sanctioned tenpin bowlers in Lambton County. The local association has existed since 1964 when they broke from the Port Huron Association and formed our predecessor the Sarnia & District Bowling Association. Unfortunately this only covered the men as the women still belonged to the WIBC (Womens International Bowling Congress) and the youth bowlers were sanctioned under the YABA ( Young American  Bowling Alliance). In 2004 the ABC (American Bowling Congress, WIBC and YABA) changed it's name to the USBC (United States Bowling Congress) and would no longer sanction leagues or bowlers outside of the USA.  We were now having to join the CTF (Canadian Tenpin Federation) in order to sanction associations. leagues and bowlers. So the SDBA was dissolved and the LCTA was formed. The new association now covers men, ladies and youth bowlers under one governing body.


We are a non-profit association chartered by CTF and subject to its authority. It is our purpose to provide an equal opportunity to our bowling community. Along with promoting the game of ten pin bowling, we conduct and support amateur bowling competition.

Marcin Bowl (Point Edward)  519-344-1169 or visit
Hiway Bowl (Sarnia)  519-542-2234 or visit


Links  Click on the site you want to visit

Border City Men's

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